artworks by Laurent Turping

Born in 1967 in Ettelbruck (Luxembourg), lives and works in Strassen, Luxembourg.

Laurent Turping's work does not necessarily aim at the destination, but the way to get there, the pleasure of manual work, human encounters and the freedoḿ to create.  The environment is just as important : the forest, nature, plant matter, odours and finally the touch of wood.

Turping mainly carves with a chainsaw and is guided by the natural shape of the tree trunk. Natural cracks or knots are neither extracted nor polished, but are an integral part of his sculptures. Sometimes they are coloured, sometimes in their raw state. Some of his sculptures remain outside, so that the forces of nature continue to work on them and thus cause cracks like wrinkles, the work evolves according to the climate.

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Exhibition Un été coloré at Reuter Bausch Art Gallery
  • Un été coloré
  • Jul. 12 - Aug. 10, 2024
Exhibition Duo Show at Reuter Bausch Art Gallery
  • Duo Show
  • Oct. 27 - Nov. 26, 2022
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News of Reuter Bausch Art Gallery 5 chouettes expos à ne pas rater pour Pâques | Bold Magazine
5 chouettes expos à ne pas rater pour Pâques | Bold Magazine Apr. 03, 2024
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