artworks by Sandra Lieners

Born in 1990 in Luxembourg. Lives and works in Luxembourg/France.

Sandra Lieners's practice can be defined as an attempt to enhance an analogue mode in the context of the escalating influence of digital media. Her paintings reflect on art history genealogies in combination with hints to our contemporary society.

Cross-media references such as typography and pixelation are translated into painting. Lieners's most recent work incorporates cyanotypes and painting traces with oil painting via sewing and hence creates a metamorphosis of different surfaces. The technique stands in opposition to the nature of the subject matters and hence confronts digital and analogue.

The paintings figure, on one side, as figurative marks of people that define and shape cities and, on the other side, as abstract marks she makes as a painter. Urbanism and tracemaking clash with landscape notions. The act of painting becomes a translation strategy of external and internal environments.

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