artworks by Lisa Kohl

The work of Lisa Kohl (b. 1988 in Luxembourg) can be understood as a conglomerate of digital media, installations, field research, documentation, staging and narration. Her artistic excavations revolve around the ephemeral, the absent and the imaginary. Aesthetic phenomena of absence, migration and situatedness play a central role in her work. In the field of tension between material presence and actual events on the one hand, and the realm of the possible, the fictitious and the invisible on the other, she finds near-endless artistic possibilities to merge both instances into simulations.


Lisa Kohl, Photography series HALIDOM, Spain-North Africa, 2022 and BLINDSPOT, 2022 are kindly subsidized by Kultur | lx - Arts Council Luxembourg and Aide à la création et diffusion en photographie 2021, Centre national de l‘audiovisuel


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